
After a cycle in through the streets of London I usually arrive at the office around 8:30am. We’ve got showers, changing rooms and lockers at our Clifton Street office, so once I’ve showered, I go upstairs and settle down to my desk.

The first thing I do is check my calendar to review the day's schedule and ensure I’ve prepared for any upcoming meetings or deadlines. During this part of the day, I also reply to any emails and action any requests I’ve received. I will then use this time to create a to-do list, outlining the tasks and projects that require my attention – this helps me stay organised and ensures there’s a clear plan of action for the day ahead.


At around 10am I have a scheduled meeting with the NFL account team. During this meeting, we discuss ongoing projects, review performance metrics, and strategize on how to further improve the services provided to the NFL client.

After the meeting, I gather audience data from the markets I oversee – in my case, Austria and Denmark. I spend some time cleaning the data and uploading it to our audited data platform.


Lunch! The team heads outside to the nearby market to browse options for a tasty lunch. For the last year or so we've been able to expense £10 for lunch up to three times a week, hopefully I haven't jinxed it! We usually all eat together and spend the last 30 minutes of our break challenging each other to games of Table Tennis! It can get very competitive!


After lunch, I’m back at my desk and ready to dive into my work using SQL (Structured Query Language) to extract, manipulate, and analyse exposure data. This time it’s for a presentation we’re delivering to the World Rugby client at the end of the week.

Once all the data is ready and the analysis carried out, I start building the slide deck. Using the data to create charts and form insights, I aim to build an informative and compelling story for the client. As a Graduate Analyst, it’s great to be given the opportunity to get creative and design the presentation exactly how you see fit, ensuring it’s got all the key information and is client ready.


During the final part of my day, I reach out to our data providers to request specific data sets or updates that are required for ongoing projects or client requests. Clear communication is crucial in ensuring we receive the necessary information in a timely manner. These providers can be located anywhere in the world and are often in very different time zones.

On this day, we have a client presentation to give to the NFL at 5pm. The NFL team meets to prepare beforehand, where we review the key points, data visualizations and recommendations that we’ll be sharing, as well as ensuring that the presentation is engaging, professional and tailored to the client's specific needs.


The day concludes with the client presentation. Each member of the team is given the opportunity to present, regardless of seniority. This time I presented the overall season review of NFL audiences in the UK, Germany and Australia. The presentation was well-received and everyone in the team worked together to deliver the presentation confidently, providing thorough analysis, insights and recommendations to the client.

By 6pm I’ve wrapped up my day at the office, making a note of any unfinished tasks that need to be prioritised the following day. If it’s a Tuesday, some of the team head into Shoreditch for our highly anticipated weekly 5-a-side fixture! On other days we may go for a team drinks at a nearby pub!